The Complete Guide to Protecting Your Trademark on Amazon
Can anyone enroll in Amazon Brand Registry?
No. Amazon Brand Registry is for the exclusive use of sellers who have a registered trademark or a pending application to register their trademark in certain prescribed countries. More details on this are set out below. In addition, Amazon requires that Brand Registry applications are submitted directly by the trademark owner. If a trademark agent or lawyer is acting on your behalf, you will need to create the account and add them on as an additional user.What are the benefits of enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry for trademark owners?
Amazon Brand Registry is essentially an authentication and enforcement tool. For customers it signals that the branded products they are buying are legitimate. For sellers, enrolling in the program verifies that they are the owner of the trademark(s) appearing on the products or their packaging. Equally or more importantly, it expedites requests to get Amazon to take action against infringers of the trademarks by taking down inaccurate listings and blocking suspected infringers from selling on the platform. Once enrolled in Brand Registry, sellers also have access to Amazon’s automated search tools to locate and remove infringing products. They can also customize their product listings, and access customer analytics.What do I need to apply for Amazon Brand Registry?
To complete an Amazon Brand Registry application, you’ll need to provide the following information:- A registered trademark or a pending trademark application number. To enroll in Amazon Brand Registry you’ll need to provide a pending application or registration number for the trademark(s) you wish to have included on the Brand Registry for each country where you want to protect your trademark rights through Amazon. Currently, Amazon only protects trademarks that have been registered or (in some cases) are the subject of pending applications in the following jurisdictions: Canada, the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Singapore, Spain, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, Egypt, the European Union, and the United Arab Emirates. Amazon also accepts trademarks registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO).
- Trademark must be a word mark or design mark Amazon only accepts two types of trademarks: word marks (text based) and design marks (logos). In addition, the brand you select for your Amazon Brand Registry application must match the trademark that appears in the national registration (or pending application) exactly. For word marks, this means the text of your trademark will be the subject of your protected brand. For design marks, you’ll be asked to submit a copy of the image that appears on your national trademark registration or pending application. Your trademark must also appear on the products you sell or on their packaging.
- Specify the product categories your brand will be listed in You’ll need to provide a list of product categories (e.g. Consumer Electronics, Personal Care, Sporting Goods) where your brand will be listed. These should match the classes of goods and services covered in in your trademark application or registration, as closely as possible.